The Wrapper


Contact Les Davis:
(630) 877-7715

Subscribe today!

The Wrapper magazine has been around since 1978, when John Travolta did Disco.  Originally intended for a small niche of sport and non-sport gumcard wrapper collectors, my little rag was hijacked by non-sport card collectors desperate for a publication of their own.

So the mag title is a misnomer, as it has been for 30 years the home and marketplace for Mars Attacks, Horrors of War, Davy Crockett and many more older non-sport cards.

A newsprint dinosaur that has been printed every six weeks (7 issues per year), The Wrapper ranges from 60 to 84 pages of ads, articles, hobby news and assorted nonsense. It is a family of collectors, many of whom have been with us for over 20 years.

The Wrapper is now being mailed in all envelopes. One year for $31. Your hobby is my business, and The Wrapper is "on time" every time.

We accept checks, money orders, Paypal, Mastercard, Visa and Discover. 

We sincerely hope you join our wonderful "family" of non-sport collectors...


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